Unblock Amazon Accounts and Listings

Don’t let your sales stop.

Submit an Application

Analysis of the situation

We will conduct an analysis of the current situation and determine the reasons for blocking your seller’s account.


Communication with Amazon Support Team

Our team will correspond with Amazon support to find out if the source data provided by the account owner meets Amazon’s requirements.


Discovery and implementation of an effective solution

We will provide optimal solutions to the problem, and with the owner’s approval, we will implement the selected solution.

*Any Amazon account can be successfully unlocked

*The key is to take the correct form of action immediately after being blocked. Don’t waste precious time trying to solve the problem yourself, and don’t waste your time seeking out advice from ‘gurus’ through free groups on Facebook. Time wasted without professional help significantly lowers the chances of unlocking your account. Has your seller account on Amazon been blocked? Contact our experts today and we will find the right solution to help you promptly and efficiently.


Submit an Application

Application for unlocking account or listing on Amazon

Leave your contact information in the form below and our best specialists will contact you shortly. We look forward to assisting you.


Didn’t find the answer to your question?

Leave your question in the “comment” field of the application form and our specialists will provide you with the necessary advice.


What are the most common causes of locks?

There are many different reasons, here is a list of the most common:

  • Complaints are on an incorrect description of the goods;
  • “Weak account health” — when the seller does not pay due attention to statistics such as Order Defect, Late dispatch, and Pre-fulfilment rates;
  • Suspected linked accounts — when Amazon assumes that the seller has multiple accounts at once;
  • Complaints of infringement of intellectual property rights by another seller;

Blockings are slightly less common due to attempts to hack an account or others.

How to avoid blocks in the future?

Although seemingly obvious, consider the following:

  • Keep track of your account metrics. Amazon typically signals an upcoming lock, but sellers often ignore these signals;
  • Do not attempt to manipulate reviews or artificially influence the rating of a product or account. All “gray” and “black” methods work only until a certain time;
  • Stay tuned for updates to Amazon policies and the sellers’ forums;
  • Respectfully treat customers, do not violate the rights of competitors and carefully monitor their actions;
  • Have a professional service, such as ours, ready in case the account does get blocked. Despite all the precautions, troubles sometimes happen even with experienced sellers. Do not try to get out the block yourself and in a rush. Consult a specialist for advice.

How much does it cost to unblock a seller account on Amazon?

The price depends on the time it takes for our lawyer to solve the problem. The average cost is around $350.

How long does it take to unlock an account?

It is difficult to predict the total time it will take to unlock an account. It depends on a combination of factors, such as the reason for the block, whether any actions have already been taken to solve the problem on your own, how long the account has been blocked, etc.

Our experts have dealt with anything from a few hours to a few weeks.



Amazon SPN is a service provider network approved by Amazon itself.

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