Amazon SPN Provider – An Amazon SPN member since August 2019

4B is proud to be the first company to receive the Amazon SPN label and join the network of Amazon service providers not only in Ukraine, but in all the CIS and Eastern European countries.

Link to 4B's Amazon SPN

What is Amazon SPN?

Amazon Service Provider Network (SPN) was launched in 2014. The idea behind creating a network of service providers was pretty simple: to select companies that offer quality services for Amazon entrepreneurs.

There are already more than 300 such companies, and the number of sellers regularly using their services has exceeded 100,000.

In 2014, you could contact companies from the Amazon SPN list for setting up a seller’s account or advertising, optimizing images and listings in general, and for services of third-party fulfillment centers.

Today, the range of services has become even wider: tax calculation and payment services, preparation of goods for FBA warehouses, professional translations of listings into languages of Amazon sites, and consolidation and international delivery of goods returned by customers.

Why become an Amazon SPN Provider?

Participation in the network of Amazon SPN service providers is a mark of quality– evidence for Amazon sellers that the services of the company can be trusted. The company is also responsible for the quality of the services provided to Amazon and for observing the requirements of the marketplace and its high standards.

For the company itself this is not only prestigious but creates an opportunity to enter new markets and expand its customer base.

The Amazon SPN program is highly selective when choosing companies to present their services under the Amazon SPN program label. In order to meet Amazon’s esteemed requirements, 4B dedicated 18 months to adjusting our policies, qualifying specific team members and clients, communicating rigorously with Amazon’s managers in Seattle, and more. Our motivation behind this lengthy and intense process was to be able to provide such a quality service to our clients, and we are proud to have achieved this goal.

Our gratitude and future plans

4B expresses its sincere gratitude to all of our customers who helped along this difficult path, believed in us, and provided support. We are improving to be even more useful to you and your Amazon business.

We promise not to stop there– the immediate plans for 4B are to expand the range of services for Amazon entrepreneurs and to increase the regions in which we work. Follow our progress on social media, and don’t forget to subscribe to our e-mail newsletter.